Himalayan Crystal Salts

Himalayan Crystal Salts

Salt and health

Life is not possible without salt; on the other hand, today's salt consumption is considered harmful to health. In addition, our so-called table salt differs from the original salt as it occurs in salt crystals. Natural crystal salt is much more than table salt (sodium chloride); it consists of other natural elements, exactly the same elements that make up our bodies and from which our life once emerged from the primordial sea.
Many elements have been removed from commercially available, refined industrial salt and marketed elsewhere, for example as food supplements or trace substance and mineral preparations.

From «white gold» to «white poison»

Nowadays, the element fluorine is often added to table salt as a compound. Fluorine is the most reactive element and also belongs to the group of halogens as a greenish-yellow, pungent-smelling gas. Iodine is artificially added because it helps the thyroid gland and fluorine because it is good for the teeth. However, both element compounds further increase the toxicity of sodium chloride.

For the human and animal organism, this sodium chloride (NaCl) is an aggressive poison and anyone can convince themselves by smelling it: it smells like chemicals! If refined salt is used in an aquarium instead of sea salt, the fish are poisoned after five minutes; horses refuse licks made from this salt.

Side effects of refined table salt

Tissue dehydration, deposition of waste products by binding NaCl to amino acids, resulting in kidney stone formation and uric acid deposits in joints and muscles with rheumatic symptoms. The disturbed electrolyte balance causes edema, which can lead to obesity and circulatory disorders.
Common salt is an aggressive cell toxin that also overburdens the excretory organs.

Origin Himalayan crystal salt

Our Himalayan crystal salt comes from the Himalayan mountains in Pakistan, more precisely from the foothills of the Western Himalayas. Crystallized from the primordial sea and dried by the sun, it has matured from one of the oldest salt deposits on earth, is carefully mined by hand and then crushed. It is left in its natural state and is of exceptional purity and quality. As a result, it contains many other elements. Himalayan crystal salt has an almost unlimited shelf life and should be stored in a dry place.

FOSTAC® Himalayan salts

Our salts are treated with FOSTAC® technology. They are free of any additives except for a small amount of anti-caking agent.


Salt and water are essential components of our earth and of all life. Water provides our body with vital information and energy and ensures that nutrients are transported, cells are supplied with nutrients and detoxification can take place. The water content of our body also has a major influence on our mental state (e.g. a lack of water leads to perceptual disorders).

Salt has a very diverse significance for our nutrition and health. Good salt and spices contain all the minerals that are vital for our cell functions. All processes that take place within us are electromagnetic in nature; it is an interplay of positively and negatively charged ions.
Many people are familiar with the "potassium-sodium pump", for example, which ensures that nutrients can be exchanged between the bloodstream and the cells.

Salt was of particular importance to humans thousands of years ago and became indispensable. Even then, the crystallized substance could be easily scraped from stones and rocks on the shores of salt lakes or extracted from dried-up sea pools.

Salt was used very early on in the Middle East to preserve both fish and meat. Here, the property of salt to extract liquid from the tissue was utilized. This "drying out" prevents the decomposing activity of enzymes and microorganisms and thus the spoilage of food. This discovery led to an ever-increasing demand for salt.

The salt trade developed into a profitable and therefore highly competitive business sector. Salt, the "white gold", was almost like a global currency.

Over the centuries, salt played an important role in popular belief. Its sacred character is probably due to the fact that it was not only regarded as a medicine for the body because of its beneficial properties.
The values attributed to it were linked to the fact that it was considered capable of strengthening spiritual and mental virtues as well as moral values.

The structure of salt

In salt we find the entire frequency pattern of all the elements that also occur in the human body.

  • Salt is able to eliminate a deficit of energy
  • The crystalline structure of the salt is electrical, not molecular
  • Thanks to its ability to transform, salt does not have to be metabolized by our body in order to be absorbed
  • Without salt, we would not be able to form a single thought, let alone carry it out!

Himalayan Crystal Salts